Sunday, January 25, 2009

3rd Grading REFLECTION

Dear Journal,

Back to school again!!I'm not that ready to face all the lessons again but I think this is it....

Last month we tackled about the different parts of the brain and the skeletal system this month we tackled about the differences of meiosis and mitosis.It's great that learned the different stages of meiosis and mitosis and how they produce asexually and sexually...Before we have our periodical test we tackled first our own reproductive organ or let's just say the human reproductive organ..When our teacher is discussing this lesson all of us are happy and exiting because we learned what is the different part of our organs,how to take care of it (to keep it safe from harm of course) and what is the different diseases that we can have if we don't have the proper hygiene or if we don't take care of it properly....